
๐Ÿ›Ž AT Daily! #229 – ย ๐Ÿ‡ Hanging Gardens of Eruvin – ย ๐Ÿ˜ Eruvin 11

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Quick synopsis of lessons from yesterdayโ€™s class with pics!

Rav says doorway wonโ€™t solve gap more than 10 cubits. Rav Yochanan agrees โ€“ proof from story of farmer in Beis Charvasan who spread a vine around 4 poles to create a separate space. Discussed โ€œkilayim (crossbreeding)โ€ the biblical injunction against planting grapes and wheat together.

Doorway rules: a)crossbeam over sideposts b) strong enough to support door c) hinge/socket

Question โ€“ why mention discussion with Rabbi Ashi students?

Does crossbeam have to touch sideposts? Story with Rav Sheishes sending assistant to knock down offending crossbeams. Lesson he learned about doorways from laws of mezuzah.

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