
🛎 AT Daily! #1745 👩‍👧‍👦 The Limits of “How Much More So” 🪟 Bava Basra 111

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Chapter 8, Mishna 1

Does mother inherit from son the way father inherits from son?

From where are these matters derived?

How can daughter inherit land from more than one tribe?

When does son inherit and when does daughter inherit?

Are son and daughter equal re: mother’s property?

What is relevance of how long Miriam was ostracized after talking to Aaron about Ziporah/Moses?

How do we learn principle of kal v’chomer and not to make inference more stringent than source?

What is relevance of punishment that is reprimand from a father?

How do we learn that son precedes daughter inheriting from mother?

What is relevance of encounter between Rabbi Yanai and Rabbi Yehuda Nesia II?

If there are two sons inheriting from mother, does older son get a double portion?

When does and doesn’t primogeniture apply?

What if bachelor marries widow with children?

When does a miscarriage count as a firstborn?

What is relevance of term “his strength”?

When does husband inherit from wife?

When does wife inherit from husband?

What if someone doesn’t leave a will?

Does Jewish woman have to marry a man from her father’s tribe?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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