
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1726Β πŸ‘£ When Do We Ignore The Majority? πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 92

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Chapter 6, Mishna 1

If buyer purchases seeds and uses it for unintended use, when is seller liable if seeds don’t sprout?

Does buyer of ox need to notify seller what he wants to use ox for?

When is seller required to tell buyer that ox is a habitual gorer?

How can seller collect payment for debt? 

When is it seller’s responsibility to replace ox?

What is a mistaken transaction?

Is it presumed that ox is purchased for plowing?

When in litigation over money matters, who has burden of proof?

What is law of woman/slave/oxen/produce?

What is relevance of how to determine whether bride was married before? 

When there is uncertainty, does one follow majority of women?

Do we follow majority in monetary matters?

Is slave is sold who is a thief or gambler, is seller liable if he didn’t tell buyer?

What bad behavior from slave entitles buyer to a refund?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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