
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1672-3 🀐 Gossip vs. Words of Public Interest πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 38-39

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Chapter 3, Mishna 2
Topics covered:
What are three regions of Israel re: hazaka of ownership?
If prior owner and possessor are in different regions, is there a presumption of ownership?
Is a protest lodged not in presence of the one currently in possession of land a valid protest?
What is difference between Judea and the Galilee?
Why are there arbitrary distinctions re: different places?
Can a valid protest be made in presence of witnesses but not in presence of possessor?
What is relevance of protester fleeing?
What manner of statement constitutes a valid protest?
What if one lodging the protest tells witnesses not to tell possessor?
What if witnesses say they’re not going to tell?
What is relevance of keeping/not keeping a secret?
Does protest need to be lodged in the presence of two or three witnesses?
When is repeating info about another not lashon hara?
What is relevance of protest being β€œrevealed”?

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