
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1223 🌩 Five Brothers Went to War πŸ™Žβ€β™€οΈ Sotah 43

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Topics covered:

Chapter 8, Mishna 2

Who must go to war? Who goes to place of assembly and gets sent home? Who doesn’t have to go at all? Who are repeaters of priest’s words? Does β€œthat have built a house” refer to one who literally built it, or also one who has inherited? Does β€œhouse” only refer to a building where people live? What kind of trees does β€œvineyard” refer to? What kind of fruit trees are obligated in orlah? If married childless man with multiple brothers dies in war, which brother does yibum? What does saying shma near a corpse have to do with one who mocks the poor?

#kohengadol #king #melech #flattery #HolyTemple #blessing
Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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