
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1177 🎻 Take A Vow πŸ‡ Nazir 62

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Chapter 9, Mishna 1, 2
Gentiles are included in laws of valuations, in that they can be the subject of an erech vow. They can bring an olah offering and they can make a vow to bring that offering. But they are not included in laws of nazirus vows. With regard to intimations of vows, incomplete expressions whose meaning can be inferred from context, if intention is clear it’s a valid vow, if meaning is ambiguous then vow does not take effect. Husband/father can nullify vow as soon as he hears that she spoke it. Otherwise too late. But a master can override slave’s vow at any time if the vow harms the master’s interests.

nazir #nazirite #wine #vow

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