Chapter 6, Mishna 4, 5, 6
Is a man stoned naked?
Is a woman stoned naked?
What is relevance of sota?
What is purpose of sota ritual?
What does it mean that evil inclination only has dominion over what is seen by eyes?
Is there a mitzvah for condemned person to select a compassionate death?
What is relevance of whether condemned man is naked when being executed?
From where is man condemned to death by stoning pushed to his death?
What if condemned man doesnβt die from fall?
How high is the platform for stoning?
Why does it have to be twice the height of normal person?
What is considered a compassionate form of death?
Why are stoned and being thrown down equated?
Why does witness have to push condemned man off the platform?
If condemned man doesnβt die from first stone, who throws stones to kill him?
What does it meant that items are buried with executed man?
Are stones buried with transgressor?
What if witness loses his hand in accident between sentencing and execution?
What if witness already lacked hands at time of testimony?
Is transgressor put to death if original witnesses arenβt there to throw first stone?
Do we need to fulfill what is stated in verse exactly as it is written?
Who is the redeemer of blood (goel hadam) ?
Is he obligated to kill accidental murderer?
Can redeemer of blood kill a deliberate murderer?
What is rule of two principles that come as one?
If there is no redeemer of blood, does court appoint one for him?
What is relevance of case of stubborn and rebellious son?
Why is open place needed?
Can metzora without right thumb, toe or ear fulfill his obligation to be purified from tzaraas?
Is the corpse of a man who is executed hanged on tree?
Is the corpse of a woman who is executed hanged on tree?
Who and who isnβt hanged after being put to death?
What is relevance of generalization and detail?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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