
🛎 AT Daily! #1844 🥊 Does This Mitzvah Override That Mitzvah? 👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 35

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Topics Covered:

Chapter 4, Mishna 1

What is relevance and meaning of hanging?

What is relevance of sins of Saul?

In cases of monetary law can court deliberate and issue ruling on the same day?

What about in cases of capital law?

What is relevance of delaying distribution of charity overnight on fast day?

On which days can capital cases not be judged?

What is relevance of Kohen Gadol or nazir performing meis mitzvah – burying an unattended corpse?   

Does burial of meis mitzvah override Temple service?

Does Temple service override Shabbos?

Does burial of meis mitzvah override Shabbos?

Why don’t we execute a condemned person on Shabbos?

Why do we need extra prohibition against kindling fire on Shabbos when all manner of work is already prohibited?

What is significance of the word “habitation” in reference to court-imposed capital punishment?

Does mitzvah of executing transgressors apply only on weekdays?

How is capital punishment like kindling fire?

Does court carrying out capital punishment override Temple service?

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In cases of monetary law and ritual purity/impurity, which judge speaks first in deliberations?

How can it be said that from Moses to Rebbi there was no primary leader who was also most gifted Torah scholar? What is relevance?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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