
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1840 πŸ₯· The Killer Wore Black πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 31

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#1840Β – Sanhedrin 31

Chapter 3, Mishna 5, 6

What if witnesses contradict each other about money changing hands?

What are considered secondary details?

What is congruent testimony?

When are two testimonies combined?

What if pair of witnesses disagrees with pair of witnesses? 

If one witness says 200 dinars was lent and the other says 100 dinars, is it considered that they agree on at least 100 dinars?

Is case of barrel of wine vs oil the same as case of 200 vs 100 dinars?

What if witnesses disagree on which floor of house where incident occurred? 

What is relevance of β€œyou shall not go out as a talebearer?”

When can verdict be overturned?

What if one side says he doesn’t have proof or witnesses but later finds proof or witnesses?

What are three incidents that don’t follow Shimon ben Gamliel?

What is relevance of responsibility of guarantor?

What is relevance of incident that occurred in city of Sydon where man declared intention to divorce wife if she returns cloak?

What is relevance of incident of woman from whose possession a promissory note emerged?

Is evidence required to ratify document that loan has been paid?

Is testimony of third party serving as a trustee deemed credible?

What kind of evidence can be used to overturn previous verdict?

When do we say case closed?

What is meaning of β€œuntil his claims are stopped up?”

What is relevance of witnesses coming from overseas?

When can one be compelled to appear in court?

Can one skip to a higher court?

Can borrower be made to appear at assembly?

Can lender be made to appear at assembly?

What is a fine and what is relevance?

Who is qualified to impose fines?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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