
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1820 🎩 Shmuel HaKatan Was A Class Act πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 11

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#1820Β  – Sanhedrin 11

Chapter 1, Mishna 1

What does it mean that intercalation of new month is determined by judges?

Why are judges necessary to extend the month?

How is new month sanctified?

Are three judges necessary to declare when the new moon should be declared?

What does intercalation mean?

How many judges are required to determine when there should be a second Adar?

What is meaning of 3-5-7 re: how many judges needed?

What did Shmuel HaKatan do to prevent another sage from being humiliated?

Why did multiple men write woman a gett after she was betrothed through having intercourse?

Which sages were known for making sacrifices to avoid others being embarrassed?

What is relevance of bas kol and what it told us?

Who predicted the future accurately?

What is relevance of Nasi of Sanhedrin re: intercalation?

What is relevance of road damage to determining calendar?

How to determine how long additional month will be?

How did Rabban Gamliel communicate with Jewish communities outside of land of Israel?

What is relevance of equinox?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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