
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1744Β πŸ‘°β€β™€οΈ When Seeking A Wife, Check This! πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 110

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Chapter 8, Mishna 1

What does it mean that one should cleave to good people?

Why was descendant of Moses an idolator but descendant of Aaron was righteous?

Isn’t Pinchas also descended from Yitro?

What is considered a good family?

Why does Torah say righteous woman is daughter of Aminidav and sister of Nachson ben Aminidav?

What are the three questions asked of young Levite/idolator?

How could a descendant of Moses become a priest of idol worship?

What is a strange service?

From where do we establish law that inheritance passes to son before daughter?

Why does son have precedence over daughter?

How do we know that daughters don’t inherit equally with sons?

What does it mean that son is closer than a daughter?

How is β€œbeneichem” understood halachically?

What is relevance of Jacob’s sons to laws of inheritance?

When does yibum apply to half brother?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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