
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1728Β πŸ—‘ How Much Junk Is Too Much? πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 94

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Chapter 6, Mishna 1

What if buyer comes to sift produce and finds there is more than acceptable amount of impurity?

Why is seller responsible to pay for all produce even part that isn’t impure?

Is it a strict law or penalty imposed by sages to interpret law this way?

What is acceptable amount of deviation/admixture of diverse kinds?

What if it’s unclear if seller deliberately added impurity to get more money from buyer?

When is one who acts improperly penalized to deter swindlers?

How much impurity mixed in requires seller to remove all impurities?

What is the law of price exploitation?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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