
🛎 AT Daily! #1671 🧾 One Who Sells, Sells Generously 🪟 Bava Basra 37

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Chapter 3, Mishna 1
Topics covered:
What if tree is on a piece of land but different people own tree and land?
What rights does one who owns tree but not land have?
What is relevance of “one who sells, sells generously”?
Is cistern or pit on land the same as tree on land?
Can one sell cistern or pit but not land it’s on?
Is “selling generously” relevant to one who sold trees and left land for himself?
If one consumed produce of overcrowded orchard, does he have presumptive ownership?
What about alfalfa field where there is no land surrounding alfalfa?
What if there’s an overcrowded vineyard?
What is relevance of saffron crocus?
In case of Sura mortgage, does debtor whose land is consumed by lender need to publicize the matter?

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