
๐Ÿ›Ž AT Daily!ย #1660-61 ๐Ÿช“ Be My Guest ๐ŸชŸ Bava Basra 26-27

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Chapter 2, Mishna 12
Topics covered:
How far from neighborโ€™s field does a tree need to be planted?
Why is rule different in EY and Bavel?
What is necessary distance between palm tree and vines?
Should a productive fruit tree ever be cut down?
Who has an acquired privilege of use of land?
If one is digging cistern or cave and finds wood roots of neighbor, who owns wood?
If land with roots has been consecrated to Temple treasury, are roots considered consecrated?
If ordinary person gets benefit from roots belonging to Temple, is he liable for misusing consecrated property?
Can one bring first fruits from tree that was planted too close to neighborโ€™s field?
What is relevance of area of square vs. area of circle?
If you buy a tree, do you own land itโ€™s on or just the tree itself?
Who is and isnโ€™t obligated to bring bikkurim?
If there is a tree part of which is in EY and part is outside, is it subject to laws of bikkurim & tithes?
What if itโ€™s possible to define which roots/fruit is on which side?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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