
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1655Β πŸ“ The Man Who Invented Elementary School πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 21

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Chapter 2, Mishna 3
Topics covered:
When do you have a right to ask neighbor to keep quieter?
Can one prevent neighbor from opening store in courtyard?
How does orphan learn without father to teach him Torah?
What was Yehoshua ben Gamla’s proclamation re education?
Can a child be hit for educational purposes?
Can neighbors protest teaching of children in courtyard?
What is maximum number of students for one teacher?
Which is better, a teacher who teaches a lot of material or one who is precise?
What is relevance of Yoav killing only males of Amalek?
What is relevance of β€œcursed is man who does work with slack hand”?
Can residents of alleyway agree not to allow certain type of shop in alleyway?
How to prevent teachers from becoming negligent?
What does it mean that β€œjealousy among teachers creates wisdom”?
What is relevance of ordinance that perfume traders can travel from town to town?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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